Session recordings 2021

Programme and Individual presentation recordings

09:00 - 11:50 Session 1: Extinguishing Both Fires: HIV and COVID-19
Session 1Extinguishing Both Fires: HIV and COVID-19
Chairs: Tania Mudrikova (UMC Utrecht) & Rogier Sanders (Amsterdam UMC)
09:00 - 09:10Welcome and introductionsMarit van Gils, Peter Reiss, Kim Sigaloff (Board stichting NCHIV)
09:10 - 09:30The path to find an HIV vaccineGlenda Gray (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
09:30 - 09:50Moderated Q&A
09:50 - 09:55Short break
09:55 - 10:45Distinct antibody lineages with multiple specificities achieve neutralization breadth in an HIV-1 infected elite neutralizerJelle van Schooten (Amsterdam UMC)
People with HIV and suppressed viremia on ART are not at increased risk for acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infectionMyrthe Verburgh (Amsterdam UMC)
Strong reduction in incidence of COVID-19-related hospitalization and death among people living with HIV in the Netherlands following the implementation of the national SARS-CoV-2 vaccination programFerdinand Wit (Stichting hiv monitoring)
Cascade of care for people living with HIV in Aruba and Curaçao Marlous Rodriguez (UMC Utrecht)
Estimating the prevention potential of HIV infections in Amsterdam MSM, heterosexuals, and men and women with a migration backgroundAlexandra Blenkinsop (AIGHD; Imperial College London)
Moderated Q&A
10:45 - 11:00Break - Nigeria calling, Nwanneka Okere (AIGHD/Amsterdam UMC)
11:00 - 11:45SHM 2021 Monitoring Report in the spotlightArd van Sighem, Colette Smit & Ferdinand Wit (SHM)
Panel discussion 2021 NL Monitoring ReportDinah Bons (Trans United Europe)
Judith Branger (NVHB kwaliteitscommissie)
Wilma Brokking (DC klinieken A'dam)
Maria Prins (GGD A'dam)
Moderator: Marc van der Valk (SHM)
11:45 - 11:50Short break - Australia calling, Jori Symons (UMCU)
11:50 - 12:10Parallel spotlight sessions followed by a moderated Q&A (see separate dropdown session A)
12:10 - 12:15Short break - Kenya calling, Makobu Kimani (AIGHD/Amsterdam UMC & KEMRI Wellcome Trust, Kilifi)
12:15 - 12:35Parallel spotlight sessions followed by a moderated Q&A (see separate dropdown session B)
Identifying and Understanding HIV Transmission
Availability and accessibility of HIV self-tests and self-sample kits at community pharmacies in the NetherlandsEline op de Coul (RIVM)
Effectiveness of directly assisted and unassisted HIV self-testing as an alternative mode of HIV screening for individuals from migrant communities at AHF Checkpoint Amsterdam during the COVID-19 pandemicAnna Żakowicz (AHF Europe)
Specific vaginal microbiota enhance HIV-1 transmissionLeanne Helgers (Amsterdam UMC)
Moderated Q&ASilke David (RIVM)
The HIV Reservoir: First Find, Then Clear
A novel flow cytometry-fluorescent in situ hybridization approach to detect transcriptionally latent and transcriptionally active HIV-1 in CD4+ T cells from people living with HIVShirley Man (Amsterdam UMC)
Using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to cure cells from HIV and at the same time prevent super-infection by new HIV strainsMouraya Hussein (Amsterdam UMC)
A Nanobody-Based HIV-1 Engager (Nano-HIVE) Antibody for NK Cell-Mediated Clearance of HIV-1 Infected CellsJeffrey Umotoy (Amsterdam UMC)
Moderated Q&AMarit van Gils (Amsterdam UMC)
The HIV reservoir; don’t forget about the brain
People living with HIV using cART have higher percentages of circulating CCR5+CD8+ T cells and lower percentages of CCR5+ regulatory T cells compared to healthy controlsLouise van Eekeren (Radboudumc)
Investigating HIV neuropathogenesis using human monocyte-derived microglia culture modelLavina Gharu (UMC Utrecht)
Improving Fc-effector function of anti-HIV-1 bNAbs by glycoengineeringSteven de Taeye (Amsterdam UMC)
Moderated Q&ACasper Rokx (Erasmus MC)
Always Think Of Drug-drug Interactions
Unexpected high incidence of low dolutegravir trough levels in patients treated with rifampin for TB/HIV co-infection, despite dolutegravir dose adjustmentDavid Burger (Radboudumc)
Tenofovir alafenamide concentrations are reduced by half in pregnant women living with HIV: data from the PANNA NetworkAngela Colbers (Radboudumc)
Dexamethasone is a dose-dependent perpetrator of drug-drug interactions: Implications for use in people living with HIVTom Jacobs (Radboudumc)
Moderated Q&AKim Sigaloff (Amsterdam UMC)
HIV Prevention: It Ain’t So Simple
Improving Prevalence and Risk Estimates of MSM Living with HIV in the Netherlands: A Public Health Service Level Small Area Estimation Modelling Analysis with a Bayesian ApproachHaoyi Wang (Maastricht University)
Trajectories of PrEP use among men who have sex with men: a pooled analysis of two observational cohort studiesVita Jongen (GGD Amsterdam)
Biannual versus quarterly bacterial STI screening of PrEP users in Amsterdam, the NetherlandsHanne Zimmermann (GGD Amsterdam; Maastricht University)
Moderated Q&ASilke David (RIVM)
HIV Cure: It Takes At Least Two To Tango
Human microglial culture models to investigate HIV neuropathogenesisStephanie Gumbs (UMC Utrecht)
Fusion of a human IgG1 to broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 nanobodies results in improved neutralization potency and the ability to mediate Fc effector functionsAngela Schriek (Amsterdam UMC)
Community engagement in HIV cure research efforts: Exploring perspectives on meaningful involvement, whether a cure will change stigma, and the importance of language amongst people with HIVTamika Marcos (Maastricht University)
Moderated Q&AMarit van Gils (Amsterdam UMC)
Long Term Complications: As One Gets Older
A longitudinal analysis of cerebral blood flow in perinatally HIV infected adolescents as compared to matched healthy controlsJason van Genderen (Emma Children's Hospital)
Long term trends of coagulation parameters in people living with HIV-1 treated with combined antiretroviral therapySoerajja Bhoelan (UMC Groningen)
Long term trends of coagulation parameters in people living with HIV-1 treated with combined antiretroviral therapyPiter Oosterhof (OLVG)
Moderated Q&ACasper Rokx (Erasmus MC)
When PreP Fails, MSM Donate Blood and Kids with Poor Kidney Function Need 3TC
Primary HIV-1-infection with emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil resistant strain in a man who has sex with men (MSM) on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) despite excellent self-reported adherence for multiple years: a case reportJeffrey Koole (GGD Amsterdam)
Changing blood donor selection policies regarding men-having-sex-with-men (MSM): A potential for HIV stigma reduction?Kennedy D'Abreu de Paulo (Maastricht University)
Using PBPK modelling to estimate lamivudine exposure when applying dose reductions for children with abnormal kidney functionThomas Nieuwenstein (Radboudumc)
Moderated Q&AKim Sigaloff (Amsterdam UMC)
12:35 - 12:50ART of Gilead: past, present and futureJoel Gallant (MD, MPH, Executive Director of Medical Affairs at Gilead Sciences)
12:50 - 13:00Q&A
12:35 -12:40IntroductionBart Lammertink (Country Medical Lead ViiV Healthcare Netherlands)
12:40 - 12:50ViiV’s commitment to the global fight against HIVInterview with Deborah Waterhouse, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ViiV Healthcare
12:50 - 13:25Samenwerking tussen zorgverleners en de farmaceutische industrie: nuttig, noodzakelijk kwaad of nooit doen? (This session will be in Dutch)De achtergrond, inhoud en praktische toepassing van de CGR Gedragscode, over samenwerking tussen zorgverleners en farmaceutische industrie, met Marloes Meddens-Bakker (advocaat)
Session 2Promises and Barriers Toward an HIV Cure
Chairs: Godelieve de Bree (Amsterdam UMC) & Jori Symons (UMC Utrecht) & TBA
13:35 - 13:40Intro
13:40 - 14:00The latest insights on the HIV viral reservoir: implications for curing HIVNicolas Chomont (University of Montreal, Canada)
14:00 - 14:20Moderated Q&A
14:20 - 14:25Short break - ,Zimbabwe calling, Tom Jacobs (Radboudumc)
14:25 - 15:15Defining HIV-1’s doorway into the intestinal mucosa using an advanced human primary gut-epithelial-immune cell co-culture organoid modelAnusca Rader (Amsterdam UMC)
Continuous decline of intact proviral DNA after two decades of antiretroviral therapyMarieke Nühn (UMC Utrecht)
Identifying host genetic determinants of HIV-1 reservoir markers reveals PTDSS2, RNH1 and IRF7 as potential modifying factors in HIV-1 patientsMarc Blaauw (Radboudumc)
Genetic variation in autophagy machinery is associated with enhanced antiviral T-cell immunity and reduced T-cell exhaustion signatures in HIV-1 infected individualsRenee Schreurs (Amsterdam UMC)
Trends in HIV Stigma Experienced by People with HIV in the Netherlands: A Comparison of Cross-sectional Surveys Over TimeSarah Stutterheim (Maastricht University)
Moderated Q&A
Session 3The Changing Spectrum of ART
15:30 - 15:45Providing ART: a Personal ReflectionSven Danner
15:45 - 16:25Long-acting ART: a paradigm shift? (panel discussion)Natasja van Holten (LUMC)
Piter Oosterhof (OLVG)
Cissy Kityo (JCRC, Kampala, Ugana)
Edwin Oraki (perspective from a person living with HIV)
Moderators: Bertus Tempert (Hiv vereniging) & Jet Gisolf (Rijnstate)
16:25 - 16:30Short break - Ukraine calling, Marta Vasylyev (ErasmusMC & Astar Medical Center, Lviv)
16:30 - 16:50Parallel spotlight sessions followed by a moderated Q&A (see separate dropdown session C)
16:50 - 16:55Short break - Zimbabwe/Uganda/Zambia/S Africa calling, Hylke Waalewijn (Radboudumc)
16:55 - 17:05The Joep Lange and Jacqueline van Tongeren Young Investigator Award Ceremony
HIV Prevention In The Time Of COVID-19
Subgroups of sexual behaviour in men who have sex with men using pre-exposure prophylaxis in the Netherlands: transitions over time, determinants of transitions, and STI positivity ratesDaphne van Wees (RIVM)
Effects of three phases of COVID-19 restrictions on sexual healthcare use, pre-exposure prophylaxis use and sexually transmitted infection incidence among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam, the NetherlandsFeline de la Court (GGD Amsterdam)
Reduction in the magnitude of COVID-19-associated changes in sexual activity and disruption in HIV/STI testing or PrEP use among MSM responding to the 2nd COVID-19, sex and intimacy surveyPhilippe Adam (IPSR Utrecht; UNSW Sydney)
Moderated Q&AJanneke Heijne (RIVM)
Curing HIV: Science and Society Partnering
NCHIV21_Characterization of the HIV-1 subtype C reservoir during ART in South-African men and womenS28_2021-11-10_16-21Ninee Buchholtz (UMC Utrecht)
Extinction of all infectious HIV in cell culture by the CRISPR-Cas12b systemMinghui Fan (Amsterdam UMC)
Social engagement of people with HIV in HIV cure research: awareness, importance and meaning of HIV cureMaaike Noorman (Utrecht University)
Moderated Q&ANeeltje Kootstra (Amsterdam UMC)
HIV Medicine: More Than Meets The Eye
High rates of diffusion impairment after Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in people living with HIV: a retrospective cross-sectional studyPatrick Oomen (UMC Utrecht)
Retinal structure in relation to brain function in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents: a longitudinal and cross-sectional assessmentCharissa Verkade (Emma Children's Hospital)
Preference for non-daily art is associated with ART-related emotional, psychosocial, physical and adherence challenges among people living with HIV in the NetherlandsReon van Dyk (ViiV Healthcare)
Moderated Q&AWouter Bierman (UMC Groningen)
Session 440 Years of Aids
Interviewer Antoinnette Scheulderman (o.m. Volkskrant magazine) gaat in gesprek met Anne van de Laar (ervaringsdeskundige), Gloria Summerville (oprichtster Stichting Het Rode Lint), Mark Vermeulen (directeur Aidsfonds) en Peter Reiss (internist-onderzoeker). This session will be held in Dutch
17:55 - 18:00Closing